Auditing Group Policy Objects (GPOs) in Active Directory is an important aspect of maintaining a secure and well-managed network environment. Below are some PowerShell scripts and commands you can use to audit GPOs in Active Directory.

1. List all GPOs:

This script will retrieve a list of all GPOs in your Active Directory domain:

Get-GPO -All

2. List GPO details:

You can retrieve detailed information about a specific GPO using its name or GUID:

Get-GPO -Name "GPOName"  # Replace "GPOName" with the name of the GPO

3. List GPO settings:

To list the settings within a specific GPO, you can use the Get-GPOReport cmdlet. This script exports the settings to an XML file:

Get-GPOReport -Name "GPOName" -ReportType Xml -Path "C:\GPOName_Report.xml"

4. Check for GPO inconsistencies:

This script checks for inconsistencies in GPOs. It identifies GPOs that exist but are not linked to any Organizational Unit (OU):

$AllGPOs = Get-GPO -All
$LinkedGPOs = Get-GPO -All | Get-GPOReport -ReportType XML | Where-Object { $_.GPO.DomainName -ne $null }
$OrphanedGPOs = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $AllGPOs -DifferenceObject $LinkedGPOs -Property DisplayName

# List orphaned GPOs
$OrphanedGPOs | Format-Table DisplayName

5. List GPOs by OU:

This script lists GPOs and their associated Organizational Units (OUs):

Get-GPO -All | ForEach-Object {
    $GPO = $_
    $GPO | Select-Object DisplayName, Id | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "LinkedTo" -Value (
        (Get-GPOReport -Name $GPO.DisplayName -ReportType HTML -Path $env:TEMP\GPO_Report.html).Replace('<![CDATA[', '').Replace(']]>', '') |
        Select-String 'gplink'
} | Format-Table DisplayName, Id, LinkedTo

6. Check GPO inheritance:

This script lists the GPOs applied to a specific user or computer object:

Get-GPO -All | ForEach-Object {
    $GPO = $_
    $GPO | Select-Object DisplayName, Id | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "AppliedTo" -Value (
        (Get-GPOReport -Name $GPO.DisplayName -ReportType HTML -Path $env:TEMP\GPO_Report.html).Replace('<![CDATA[', '').Replace(']]>', '') |
        Select-String 'gpoto'
} | Format-Table DisplayName, Id, AppliedTo

These scripts should help you get started with auditing GPOs in your Active Directory environment. Remember to replace “GPOName” and file paths with your specific values as needed, and be cautious when running PowerShell scripts in a production environment, especially when dealing with Group Policy. Always have proper backups and test in a controlled environment first.